Page 4 - Chhatrapati Shivaji and His Work
P. 4


       God extended to me His protection and moved the heart of a woman to

       give me love and aid. Traditions change. The ideal of the Rajput has its

       future, but the mould had to be broken in order that what was temporary

       in it might pass. Loyalty to the sovereign of my choice, that is good; but

       loyalty to the sovereign of my nation’s choice, that is better. The monarch

       is divine by the power of God expressed within him, but he has the power

       because he is the incarnation of the people. God in the nation is the deity

       of which the monarch must be the servant and the devotee. Vithoba, Virat

       of the Mahrattas,—Bhavani, incarnate as India,—in that strength I



       Your political ideal was great, but your standard of means was abhorrent

       to our morality. Ruse, treachery, pillage, assassination were never

       excluded from your activity.
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