Page 17 - Appreciating Sanskrit
P. 17


                                THE LANGUAGE OF INDIA’S SOUL

           A language, Sanskrit or                                             future, and how we are

           another, should be                                                  to learn and use English

           acquired by whatever                                                or any other foreign

           method is most natural,                                             tongue so as to know

           efficient and stimulating                                           helpfully the life, ideas

           to the mind and we need  and culture of other

           not cling there to any                                              countries and establish

           past or present manner                                              our right relations with

           of teaching: but the vital                                          the world around us.

           question is how we are

           to learn and make use of  This is the aim and

           Sanskrit and the                                                    principle of a true

           indigenous languages so  national education, not,

           as to get to the heart and  certainly, to ignore

           intimate sense of our                                               modern truth and

           own culture and                                                     knowledge, but to take

           establish a vivid                                                   our foundation on our

           continuity between the                                              own being, our own

           still living power of our                                           mind, our own spirit.

           past and the yet                                                    (Sri Aurobindo, CWSA,

           uncreated power of our                                              1:421)
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